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[pdf] 0.2020_Engineering_FormulaSheet.pdf 1.0 MB 2021-Sep-27
[exe] 0.BridgeDesignSoftware2016.exe 39.2 MB 2017-Jan-04
[pdf] 0.Engineering Safety.pdf 2.4 MB 2024-Aug-12
[pdf] 0.eng_project_template.pdf 1.7 MB 2019-Sep-03
[pdf] 0.EOC Review Answer Key.pdf 6.0 MB 2015-May-20
[pdf] 0.EOC Review Sheet.pdf 1.2 MB 2024-May-24
[docx] 0.Exam Reflections Template.docx 104.7 KB 2023-Oct-10
[xlsx] 0.Gantt_Chart_Excel_Template (4).xlsx 16.0 KB 2021-Sep-13
[pptx] 0.How To 3D Print.pptx 10.6 MB 2021-Nov-15
[v5python] 0.MrHwangCodingTestTemplate.v5python 1.3 KB 2024-Mar-25
[pdf] 0.PLTW course syllabus.pdf 492.3 KB 2024-Aug-12
[pptx] 0.POE_Back to School Night.pptx 51.8 MB 2019-Aug-30
[pdf] 0.POE_EOC_StudyChecklist.pdf 175.5 KB 2018-May-15
[docx] 0.Portfolio Project Reflection.docx 214.2 KB 2016-Nov-04
[exe] 0.PowerPointViewer.exe 60.3 MB 2014-Aug-22
[docx] 0.Safety Ticket Template.docx 11.7 KB 2017-Aug-31
[docx] 0.Table of Contents Template.docx 14.0 KB 2018-May-31
[docx] 0.Team Progress Log.docx 14.3 KB 2017-Oct-27
[jpg] 00.test.JPG 148.8 KB 2021-Feb-16
[pptx] 0_DistanceLearningPresentation.pptx 4.0 MB 2020-Aug-10
[pdf] 0_Fusion360StudentVerificationLetter.pdf 561.5 KB 2020-Sep-23
[pdf] 0_POE Breakout Groups.pdf 21.9 KB 2020-Aug-10
[docx] 1.0 EnergyAndPower.docx 72.0 KB 2015-Aug-18
[doc] 1.0.A.RU ProfessionalInterviewRubric.doc 101.0 KB 2015-Aug-18
[ppt] 1.0.A CareersEngineeringEngineeringTechnology.ppt 2.6 MB 2015-Aug-18
[docx] 1.0.A ProfessionalInterview.docx 65.0 KB 2015-Aug-18
[pptx] 1.1 EngineeringNotebook.pptx 4.3 MB 2015-Aug-17
[pptx] 1.1 EngineeringNotebookExtendedVersion.pptx 3.2 MB 2015-Aug-17
[docx] 1.1 KeyTerms.docx 73.0 KB 2015-Aug-17
[docx] 1.1.1.A.a LoggerProResource.docx 89.1 KB 2015-Aug-17
[pptx] 1.1.1.A.a SimpleMachinesLeverWheelAndAxlePulley.pptx 2.0 MB 2015-Aug-17
[pptx] 1.1.1.A.b SimpleMachinesInclinedPlaneWedgeScrew.pptx 1.8 MB 2015-Aug-17
[pptx] 1.1.1.A.VEX.a SimpleMachineConst.pptx 8.4 MB 2015-Aug-17
[docx] 1.1.1.A.VEX.b BuildingwithVEX.docx 1,010.0 KB 2015-Aug-17
[pdf] 1.1.1.A.VEX.c IntroBuildingVEX.pdf 2.3 MB 2015-Aug-17
[docx] 1.1.1.A.VEX SimpleMachineInvestigation.docx 147.1 KB 2015-Aug-17
[docx] 1.1.2.A.AK.SimpleMachinesPracticeProblemsAnswers.docx 665.8 KB 2019-Aug-22
[doc] 1.1.2.A.a UnderstandingThreadNotes.doc 122.5 KB 2015-Aug-17
[docx] 1.1.2.A SimpleMachinesPracticeProblems.docx 76.1 KB 2015-Aug-17
[docx] 1.1.3.A.VEX Gears.docx 418.0 KB 2015-Aug-17
[pptx] 1.1.3.A GearsPulleyDrivesSprockets.pptx 2.9 MB 2015-Aug-17
[docx] 1.1.4.A PulleyDrivesSprockets.docx 264.3 KB 2015-Aug-17
[docx] 1.1.5.A GearsPulleyDrivesSprocketsPracticeProblems.docx 65.6 KB 2015-Aug-17
[docx] 1.1.6.P.VEX CompoundMachineDesign.docx 78.2 KB 2015-Aug-17
[pdf] 1.1_Study Guide.pdf 190.5 KB 2014-Sep-18
[doc] 1.2 KeyTerms.doc 132.5 KB 2015-Sep-16
[doc] 1.2 Study Guide.doc 68.0 KB 2024-Oct-15
[doc] 1.2.1.A.RU EnergySourcesRubric.doc 106.5 KB 2015-Sep-16
[doc] 1.2.1.A EnergySources.doc 121.0 KB 2015-Sep-16
[pptx] 1.2.1.A EnergySources.pptx 1.3 MB 2024-Oct-04
[doc] 1.2.2.A EnergyDistribution.doc 110.0 KB 2015-Sep-16
[jpg] 1.2.2.A USEnergySourcesUses2011.jpg 97.5 KB 2015-Sep-16
[docx] 1.2.3.A.PHY ElectricalCircuits.docx 1.0 MB 2015-Sep-16
[docx] 1.2.3.A.SIM ElectricalCircuits.docx 757.5 KB 2015-Sep-16
[pptx] 1.2.3.A BreadboardingElectronics.pptx 7.2 MB 2015-Sep-16
[pptx] 1.2.3.A IntroductionElectricity.pptx 1.5 MB 2015-Sep-16
[doc] 1.2.4.A CircuitCalculations.doc 128.5 KB 2015-Sep-16
[doc] 1.2.5.A.SIM MechanicalSystemEfficiency.doc 236.0 KB 2015-Sep-16
[doc] 1.2.5.A.VEX MechanicalSystemEfficiency.doc 2.9 MB 2015-Sep-16
[pptx] 1.2.5.Aa.VEX MechSysWinchConst.pptx 2.9 MB 2015-Sep-16
[pptx] 1.2.5.A WorkEnergyPower.pptx 504.2 KB 2024-Oct-04
[xlsx] 1.2.6.A.a MotorPowerSpreadsheet.xlsx 32.7 KB 2015-Sep-16
[docx] 1.2.6.A.VEX MaximizingMotorPower.docx 879.6 KB 2015-Sep-16
[pptx] 1.2.6.A MaximumMotorPower.pptx 1.9 MB 2024-Oct-04
[docx] 1.3 KeyTerms.docx 69.4 KB 2015-Sep-16
[docx] 1.3 Study Guide.docx 491.4 KB 2017-Nov-02
[docx] 1.3 Study Guide Answers.docx 13.2 KB 2017-Nov-03
[docx] 1.3.1.A.VEX SolarHydrogenSystem.docx 2.0 MB 2015-Sep-16
[pptx] 1.3.1.Aa VEX SolarHydrogenAutomobile.pptx 907.3 KB 2015-Sep-16
[docx] 1.3.1.A FuelCellUserGuide.docx 388.0 KB 2015-Sep-16
[ppt] 1.3.1.A HydrogenFuelCell.ppt 6.1 MB 2015-Sep-16
[mp4] 1.3.1.Fuel cell instructional video.mp4 36.3 MB 2015-Oct-13
[doc] 1.3.2.P.RU FuelCellTechnologyRubric.doc 119.5 KB 2015-Sep-16
[doc] 1.3.2.P FuelCellTechnology.doc 146.5 KB 2015-Sep-16
[doc] 1.3.3.A.AK Thermodynamics (1).doc 957.5 KB 2015-Nov-04
[pptx] 1.3.3.A IntroductionThermodynamics.pptx 5.8 MB 2021-Nov-04
[doc] 1.3.3.A Thermodynamics.doc 580.0 KB 2015-Sep-16
[doc] 1.3.4.P.RU RenewableInsulationRubric.doc 100.5 KB 2015-Sep-16
[docx] 1.3.4.P RenewableInsulation.docx 65.9 KB 2015-Sep-16
[doc] 1.4 KeyTerms.doc 125.0 KB 2015-Sep-16
[doc] 1.4.1.P.VEX.RU RenewableElectricalEnergyDesignRubric.doc 137.0 KB 2015-Sep-16
[doc] 1.4.1.P.VEX RenewableElectricalEnergyDesign.doc 439.0 KB 2015-Sep-16
[ppt] 1.4.1.P IntroductionDesignBriefs.ppt 928.0 KB 2015-Sep-16
[ppt] 1.4.1.P Teamwork.ppt 842.0 KB 2015-Sep-16
[doc] 2.1 CareerFieldDescription.doc 99.0 KB 2015-Sep-16
[docx] 2.1 KeyTerms.docx 88.2 KB 2015-Sep-16
[docx] 2.1 Study Guide.docx 454.8 KB 2024-Dec-12
[docx] 2.1.1.A Centroids.docx 141.3 KB 2015-Sep-16
[pptx] 2.1.1.A Centroids.pptx 2.4 MB 2015-Sep-16
[docx] 2.1.2.A BeamDeflection.docx 138.8 KB 2015-Sep-16
[pptx] 2.1.2.A IntroductionStructuralMemberProperties.pptx 3.9 MB 2015-Sep-16
[docx] 2.1.3.A.AK FreeBodyDiagramsAnsKey (3).docx 343.9 KB 2015-Nov-19
[docx] 2.1.3.A FreeBodyDiagrams.docx 268.8 KB 2015-Sep-16
[pptx] 2.1.3.A FreeBodyDiagrams.pptx 587.9 KB 2015-Sep-16
[pptx] 2.1.3.A IntroductionStatics.pptx 15.6 MB 2015-Sep-16
[docx] 2.1.4.A CalculatingForceVectors.docx 204.4 KB 2015-Sep-16
[pptx] 2.1.4.A ForceVectors.pptx 877.3 KB 2015-Sep-16
[docx] 2.1.5.A CalculatingMoments.docx 159.0 KB 2015-Sep-16
[pptx] 2.1.5.A Moments.pptx 721.1 KB 2015-Sep-16
[pptx] 2.1.6.A CalculatingTrussForces.pptx 1.2 MB 2015-Sep-16
[doc] 2.1.6.Alternative Step By Step Truss.doc 320.0 KB 2015-Dec-01
[png] 2.1.6.Answers.PNG 32.5 KB 2020-Dec-09
[pdf] 2.1.6_Practice Problems.pdf 183.8 KB 2021-Dec-07
[docx] 2.1.7.A.AK CalculatingTrussForcesAnsKey (1).docx 206.0 KB 2015-Dec-04
[docx] 2.1.7.A CalculatingTrussForces.docx 152.3 KB 2015-Sep-16
[docx] 2.1.8.A.VEX TrussTesterAssemblyProcedure.docx 6.0 MB 2015-Sep-16
[pdf] 2.1.8.A.VEX TrussTesterAssemblyProcedure.pdf 1.7 MB 2019-Dec-05
[docx] 2.1.8.Balsa Wood Bridge Challenge.docx 13.9 KB 2018-Jan-09
[docx] 2.1.8.P.SSA TrussDesign.docx 2.0 MB 2015-Sep-16
[pdf] 2.1.8.P.VEX TrussDesign.pdf 622.8 KB 2017-Dec-07
[pdf] 2.1.8.P.VEX TrussTestingProcedure.pdf 527.6 KB 2017-Dec-07
[pdf] 2.1.8.P TrussTesterBuildInstructions.pdf 2.0 MB 2015-Sep-16
[doc] 2.1.RU CareerFieldDescriptionRubric.doc 102.0 KB 2015-Sep-16
[docx] 2.2 KeyTerms.docx 66.8 KB 2015-Sep-16
[ppt] 2.2.1.A IntroductionMaterials.ppt 5.5 MB 2015-Sep-16
[docx] 2.2.1.A ProductAnalysis.docx 67.9 KB 2015-Sep-16
[ppt] 2.2.2.A IntroductionManufacturingProcesses.ppt 8.6 MB 2015-Sep-16
[docx] 2.2.2.A ManufacturingProcesses.docx 68.4 KB 2015-Sep-16
[docx] 2.2.3.A.RU RecyclingRubric.docx 62.1 KB 2015-Sep-16
[docx] 2.2.3.Aa RecyclingFacts.docx 271.7 KB 2015-Sep-16
[docx] 2.2.3.A Recycling.docx 63.1 KB 2015-Sep-16
[ppt] 2.2.3.A RecyclingMaterials.ppt 1.5 MB 2015-Sep-16
[v5python] 2.2.5.ActivitySmilelyFourCorners_Final.v5python 3.6 KB 2024-Mar-04
[v5python] 2.2.5.ActivitySmilelyFourCorners_Start.v5python 3.5 KB 2024-Mar-04
[v5python] 2.2.5.LessonFunctionsWithParameters_Final1.v5python 3.8 KB 2024-Mar-04
[v5python] 2.2.5.LessonFunctionsWithParameters_Final2.v5python 3.9 KB 2024-Mar-04
[v5python] 2.2.5.LessonFunctionsWithParameters_Final3.v5python 4.0 KB 2024-Mar-04
[v5python] 2.2.5.LessonFunctions_Final.v5python 3.5 KB 2024-Mar-04
[v5python] 2.2.5.LessonFunctions_Start.v5python 3.8 KB 2024-Mar-04
[docx] 2.3 & 3.2 Study Guide.docx 163.2 KB 2022-Feb-14
[docx] 2.3 KeyTerms.docx 67.9 KB 2015-Sep-16
[docx] 2.3.1.A.AK StressStrainCalculations.docx 226.3 KB 2018-Jan-31
[pptx] 2.3.1.A MaterialTesting.pptx 3.2 MB 2015-Sep-16
[docx] 2.3.1.A MaterialTestingFormulaSheet.docx 91.4 KB 2015-Sep-16
[docx] 2.3.1.A StressStrainCalculations.docx 80.7 KB 2015-Sep-16
[docx] 2.3.1.A StressStrainWorksheet.docx 135.6 KB 2015-Sep-16
[docx] 2.3.2.A.SIM TensileTesting.docx 715.5 KB 2015-Sep-16
[pptx] 2.3.2.A.SIM UsingStressAnalyzerTensileTesting.pptx 726.7 KB 2015-Sep-16
[docx] 2.3.2.A.SSA MachiningTestSample.docx 77.0 KB 2015-Sep-16
[docx] 2.3.2.A.SSA TensileTesting.docx 85.0 KB 2015-Sep-16
[wmv] 2.3.SSA.wmv 82.0 MB 2016-Jan-22
[docx] 2.4 KeyTerms.docx 63.5 KB 2015-Sep-16
[docx] 2.4.1.P StructuralDesign2012.docx 2.1 MB 2015-Sep-16
[swf] 2_3_virtual_tensile_tester.swf 488.1 KB 2019-Jan-28
[doc] 3.1 CareerDemandSalaryEducation.doc 102.5 KB 2017-Feb-17
[docx] 3.1 Exam Study Guide.docx 228.7 KB 2015-Mar-26
[doc] 3.1 KeyTerms.doc 134.0 KB 2017-Feb-17
[docx] 3.1.1.A.VEX InputsOutputs.docx 2.3 MB 2017-Feb-17
[pdf] 3.1.1.POE VEX Testbed Build Instructions.pdf 5.1 MB 2017-Feb-17
[pptx] 3.1.1A IntroToVEX_FINAL.pptx 7.2 MB 2023-Feb-24
[doc] 3.1.2.A.VEX BasicOutpProgramming.doc 1.2 MB 2017-Feb-17
[ppt] 3.1.2.A CreatingFlowcharts.ppt 870.0 KB 2017-Feb-17
[pptx] 3.1.2A Basic Outputs Programming.pptx 1.5 MB 2022-Feb-25
[docx] 3.1.3.A.VEX BasicInpProgramming.docx 649.6 KB 2017-Feb-17
[pdf] 3.1.3.A Program Design.pdf 1.3 MB 2017-Feb-17
[docx] 3.1.4.A.VEX WhileIfElseLoop.docx 891.1 KB 2017-Feb-17
[pptx] 3.1.4.A CreatingFlowcharts.pptx 321.4 KB 2022-Feb-25
[pptx] 3.1.4_WhileIfElseLoops.pptx 1.5 MB 2022-Feb-25
[doc] 3.1.5.A.VEX VariableFunction.doc 1.1 MB 2017-Feb-17
[pptx] 3.1.5_VariableFunction.pptx 896.4 KB 2022-Feb-25
[doc] 3.1.6.A.VEX OpenClosedLoopSystems.doc 943.0 KB 2017-Feb-17
[doc] 3.1.7.P.RU.VEX MachineControlDesignRubric.doc 119.5 KB 2017-Feb-17
[doc] 3.1.7.P.VEX MachineControlDesign.doc 110.5 KB 2017-Feb-17
[pdf] 3.1.7.VEX VR Operation Vaccine Transport.pdf 557.8 KB 2021-Mar-09
[doc] 3.1.RU CareerDemandSalaryEducationRubric.doc 113.5 KB 2017-Feb-17
[doc] 3.2 KeyTerms.doc 132.0 KB 2015-Sep-16
[pptx] 3.2.1 FluidPowerIntroduction.pptx 3.2 MB 2015-Sep-16
[doc] 3.2.1.A.RU FluidPowerApplicationsRubric.doc 119.0 KB 2015-Sep-16
[doc] 3.2.1.A FluidPowerApplications.doc 690.0 KB 2015-Sep-16
[ppt] 3.2.1.A FluidPowerApplicationsExamplar.ppt 1.9 MB 2015-Sep-16
[doc] 3.2.2.A PneumaticDemonstration.doc 146.0 KB 2015-Sep-16
[doc] 3.2.3.A.FT.a ExamplePneumaticCompressorDes.doc 350.5 KB 2015-Sep-16
[doc] 3.2.3.A.FT.a ExamplePneumaticCompressorDesign.doc 350.5 KB 2015-Sep-16
[doc] 3.2.3.A FluidPowerPracticeProblems.doc 122.5 KB 2015-Sep-16
[pptx] 3.2.3.A PneumaticPower.pptx 2.4 MB 2015-Sep-16
[doc] 3.2.3.FTb FischertechnikPneumaticComponents.doc 231.5 KB 2015-Sep-16
[doc] 3.2.3.P.FT.RU PneumaticBrakeDesignRubric.doc 133.0 KB 2015-Sep-16
[doc] 3.2.3.P.FT PneumaticBrakeDesign.doc 184.5 KB 2015-Sep-16
[doc] 3.2.4.A HydraulicDemonstration.doc 162.0 KB 2015-Sep-16
[ppt] 3.2.4.A HydraulicPower.ppt 6.7 MB 2015-Sep-16
[doc] 3.2.5.P.RU HydraulicLiftDesignRubric.doc 117.0 KB 2015-Sep-16
[doc] 3.2.5.P HydraulicLiftDesign.doc 468.0 KB 2015-Sep-16
[doc] 3.3 KeyTerms.doc 121.0 KB 2015-Sep-16
[doc] 3.3.1.P.RU DesignProblemRubric.doc 115.5 KB 2015-Sep-16
[doc] 3.3.1.P DesignProblem.doc 95.5 KB 2015-Sep-16
[pptx] 3_1_1_A_IntroToVEX_FINAL.pptx 8.3 MB 2022-Feb-24
[docx] 4.1 CareerReflectionAbstractPresentation.docx 67.6 KB 2015-Sep-16
[docx] 4.1 KeyTerms.docx 75.5 KB 2015-Sep-16
[pptx] 4.1.1.A Probability.pptx 2.4 MB 2015-Sep-16
[docx] 4.1.1.A StatisticalDataExploration.docx 83.4 KB 2015-Sep-16
[pptx] 4.1.1.A Statistics.pptx 1.2 MB 2015-Sep-16
[docx] 4.1.2.A CandyStatistics.docx 173.1 KB 2015-Sep-16
[docx] 4.1.RU CareerReflectionAbstractPresentationRubric.docx 66.5 KB 2015-Sep-16
[docx] 4.2 KeyTerms.docx 70.9 KB 2016-May-03
[docx] 4.2.1.P SelfPropelledVehicleDesign.docx 76.9 KB 2016-May-03
[ppt] 4.2.2 ProjectileMotion.ppt 5.5 MB 2016-May-03
[doc] 4.2.2.A.a FiringRange.doc 119.0 KB 2016-May-03
[doc] 4.2.2.A.b MountainPass.doc 275.5 KB 2016-May-03
[doc] 4.2.2.A.c ParachuteDrop.doc 322.5 KB 2016-May-03
[doc] 4.2.2.A.d ObstacleCourse.doc 1.0 MB 2016-May-03
[docx] 4.2.2.A ProjectileMotion.docx 63.0 KB 2016-May-03
[xls] 4.2.3 Design Problem Ballistic Device Data Sheet.xls 40.5 KB 2016-May-10
[docx] 4.2.3.B.a ProjectileMotionDataSheet.docx 74.1 KB 2016-May-03
[docx] 4.2.3.B.VEX BallisticDesign.docx 65.6 KB 2016-May-03
[pdf] 4.2.3.B.VEX BallisticDeviceInstructions.pdf 2.1 MB 2016-May-03
[docx] 4.2.3.B BallisticDesign.docx 64.6 KB 2016-May-03
[docx] 4.2.3.Emergency Stop Program.docx 13.0 KB 2016-May-10
[pdf] 4.Unit 4 Study Guide.pdf 1.6 MB 2021-Apr-21
[exe] caffeine.exe 70.5 KB 2018-Nov-07
[] error_log 25.7 KB 2018-Mar-30
[exe] LoggerPro3_15.exe 51.2 MB 2021-Aug-20
[exe] LoggerPro3_16_2.exe 309.8 MB 2021-Aug-20
[zip] 9.6 MB 2013-Dec-06
[pdf] mdsolid_serialnumber.pdf 122.7 KB 2014-Jan-22
[htm] pltwwiki.htm 169.0  B 2016-May-09
[pptx] Presentation_2.4_What is a pld.pptx 2.4 MB 2019-Jan-09
[html] tensometer.html 905.0  B 2019-Jan-28
217 Files - 0 Folders Total size: 877.5 MB  
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